Stock Jeep Wranglers are very capable offroad.
Before doing any work to the Jeep, a new owner should start slow and wheel their stock Jeep and learn the capabilities before making big changes.
However, most people will never need to modify their vehicle for the types of trails they end up driving.
To ensure the best experience while you learn your new stock Jeep, be sure to-
1. Always travel with a partner
2. Make sure you are properly equipped with good maps, basic first aid and recovery gear
Traction and ground clearance will be your limiting factors as you progress into more difficult trails.
Moreover, learning to use superior driving skills to overcome obstacles, instead of utilizing superior equipment will be an invaluable skill going forward.
Beginning stepping stones for all new Jeepers are:
-becoming comfortable with how the Jeep moves over obstacles, where it’s underside might contact,
-how tippy it can get
Don’t be afraid to utilize your vehicle like it was designed – you might spin tires, you might even lift a tire off the ground, or really get wet and muddy in a creek crossing.
Jeeps like that! Jeeps want that.